Clear your head and alleviate mental fatigue with this cooling, revitalising aromatherapy pulse point.
Refreshing and Rejuvenating | Intense Mint Aroma
Roll Clear Head Aromatherapy Pulse Point onto your temples and neck to release tension, alleviate mental fatigue and rejuvenate the spirit.
Refreshing, revitalising peppermint and Japanese hakka mint bring clarity and alertness. Invigorating lemon and fresh blue mallee eucalyptus revive the spirit to restore vitality, while lavender soothes and calms the racing mind.
Clear Head Pulse Point is perfect for those who need to release tension, revitalise their mind and improve mental clarity.
Apply liberally to your pulse points and replenish as desired.
Clear Head is best used on your temples and neck, however, please take care to avoid your eye area.
Clear Head is especially effective for releasing tension, alleviating mental fatigue and rejuvenating the spirit, so we recommend you take it with you everywhere – especially for study or work!
Clear Head pairs well with Cool Mint Aromatic mist to refresh and revitalise your spirit.
Your pulse points are the soft, delicate areas of the skin where blood vessels are most concentrated at the surface: wrists, temples, neck, behind the knees, the crease of the elbow etc. These areas are where you can usually feel your pulse beating gently below the surface of your skin.
Due to the higher concentration of blood vessels in these areas, your pulse points are ideal for diffusing aromas and are traditionally where perfumes are applied. The aroma radiates outward with the warmth of the heart to envelop you in your chosen scent.
Rolling Perfect Potion Clear Head Aromatherapy Pulse Point onto these areas allows the therapeutic effects of essential oils to be readily absorbed into the skin and circulate throughout the body, while also transforming your body into your own personal diffuser by effectively dispersing the aromas outwards and around you. It’s a beautiful and convenient way to feel the benefits of aromatherapy immediately.